Friday, August 31, 2012

Last Day!

I love Fridays, but I hate goodbyes..... But, we'll see you next year!
Thank you to all the parents who donated to the Feast yesterday!!!! Your contribution helped us have a awesome time yesterday and we thank you kindly for donation!
 Even though there weren't very many kids this week, I couldn't tell. All I see every morning is smiling faces ready for another day of adventure! Yesterday was great, but today is even greater!
Thank you for your support,patience,and love and we hope we give you the same!

Movies we made!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Feast!!!!

No! You don't have to bring lunch tomorrow! Yes! You must promise to have a great time!! There will be pizza, fruit&veggies ( because I am very much into the good green earth stuff,how else did I lose 38 pds?) ice cream sundaes ( DIY style) juice, chips, and so much more!!! We'll be watching the slideshows we've made, movies the kids put together, an UNO championship, and good golly you knows what else is in store!
 If you'd like to donate anything, feel free! See you tomorrow!

Swimming, Movie Making, and More!

A great Wednesday! Of course we have another day at swim upon us, and to add to an already awesome day, we're finishing up our movie projects that we started yesterday. Tomorrow is our feast and we're pumped! We're gunna have pizza, "make-your-own" sundae, fruit, veggies.....everything! after gorging, we'll watch the movies we made and have an award ceremony where we pass out certificates to each kid! Near the end of the day we'll have our Uno Championship!
 Sounds fun, huh? I's because at Empire, everyday is an adevnture!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ok, I think I fixed it....

Alright, I tried one or two things, I think I fixed the blocked was blocked because of the song Beat should work now!!! Let me know if it doesn't!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Yes and No!

Yes another great at camp! No!!! People are leaving! Bittersweet, but we'll see you next year, right?!
 We do know about what happened today in the greatest city in the world, and don't worry, we are not going anywhere near the Empire state building. no thank you!
 Your kids are safe here at camp, besides, if anyone causes trouble at my camp, they will have to deal with me, and I can be pretty scary! EEEERRRR!(insert mean face here)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's really happening....

Oh no! I realized this morning at Rally that there is only one more week left....and then it's all over!More and more kids come up to me saying it's their last day or week and I can't stand to say goodbye! Promise me you'll write?
  Actually, I was on the subway not to long ago with the older kids and one of the girls was leaving. Claire says to her,"Don't worry we'll text you everyday!" I thought that was too strange so I suggested that they write to each other through snail mail. They all looked at me like I was crazy!! If loving snail mail is a crime, then lock me away! Nothing touches my heart more than a hand written note, but alas, it looks like the world is a-changin'. Only for the better I suspect.....
 I digress. Let's make sure these last few days of camp are super groovy!